Height: up to 36″
Planting Dates:
Feb, Mar, April
Sept- Oct 15
Pure Stand
5-8 lbs/acre (it is coated seed)
3-5 lbs/acre (it is coated seed)
3/4 lbs/acre (it is coated seed)
Grows Like No Other
Initially, Balansa forms a small, multi-branched rosette emerging from a single, deep taproot. Under a grazing regime, it will remain prostrate. However, allowed to grow, the stems will eventually turn upright, forming a multi-branched hollow stem with copious amounts of plant mass up to three feet high.
As the plant matures, it will continue to grow and produce blossoms that are very attractive to pollinators. Allowed to seed, it is capable of producing large amounts of regenerative hard seed viable up to three years.
Tremendous Tolerance
Balansa performs well in an extremely wide range of soils, tolerating pH levels from 4.5-8.0 and able to survive in waterlogged soils and short periods of flooding.
A Multipurpose Clover
Cover Crop
Balansa’s nitrogen production, soil-building root structure, and extensive biomass production make it a top choice for adding to a cover crop mix. It can be combined with grasses, brassicas and other legumes. Balansas have been shown to fix over 100 lbs. N/acre per year.
Balansa can be frost seed or broadcast into existing pastures to boost protein levels of forage, while contributing nitrogen to other crops. With excellent digestibility and protein levels in the upper 20’s, it is an ideal component in a small grain/grass/legume sward that can be harvested by grazing, hay or silage. Viper can take close grazing, even when young. Use with other non-legumes will reduce bloat potential.
Balansa produces abundant flowers. Honeybees and other pollinators love it and so do the deer!